Fullscript Jayelah Bush, BScN headshot

Fullscript Collective
Jayelah Bush, BScN

Medical Operations Specialist - Fullscript

Jayelah earned her undergraduate degree in Nutrition from Arizona State University, where she fostered an affinity for integrative medicine. Her medical interests include gastrointestinal health, kidney health, and nutrition education.

Outside of the office, Jayelah enjoys cooking, baking, and traveling.

Content contributed by the author

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5 Tips for Healthy Eating On a Budget
Eating a balanced diet has lifelong health benefits. Consider these 5 tips for eating healthy on a budget.
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Fake Supplements: How to Tell If Supplements Are Fake or Genuine
Understanding how to spot fake supplements can help ensure you’re getting genuine supplements every time. Learn how to spot fake supplements.
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Vitamin K Benefits and Top Sources
Learn more about vitamin K benefits and why it’s an essential nutrient for maintaining overall health and can be beneficial for conditions such as cardiovascular disease or osteoporosis.
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What You Should Know About Dietary Supplement Ingredients
If you’re getting started with dietary supplements, here’s five facts about supplement ingredients that you should know.
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What is Intuitive Eating: Principles, Benefits, and More
Intuitive eating teaches you that you are the best person—and the only person—to decide what and when to eat.
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Making Sense of Minerals: Macrominerals and Microminerals
Macrominerals and microminerals, some of which are essential to life, play various important roles in the body.
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