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dietary supplements research update blog post
Dietary Supplements Research Update
This issue includes recent large systematic reviews and meta-analyses on common dietary supplements.
6 benefits of using fullscript as your online supplement dispensary blog post
6 Benefits of Using Fullscript as Your Online Supplement Dispensary
Choosing the right tool for your practice can be a challenge, so understanding what to look for in an online supplement dispensary is key.
capture more refills for in-office products with on-site rx blog post
Capture More Refills for In-office Products with On-site Rx
The On-site Rx feature is easy to use and maximizes refills for in-office dispensing with a virtual experience patients have come to expect.
fullscript’s kyle braatz named ottawa’s ceo of the year blog post
Fullscript’s Kyle Braatz named Ottawa’s CEO of the Year
We’re proud to announce that our CEO, Kyle Braatz, was named CEO of the Year by the Ottawa Business Journal and the Ottawa Board of Trade.