Get back into your favorite jeans, boost your sex drive, and sail through stress by balancing your hormones. Supplements for women and men restore youthful vitality and energy.* Do you want better hormone balance?


2 capsules daily

A dietary supplement to support hormonal balance in men and women.* Estro Benefits™ is a blend of DIM® combined with Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Calcium D-Glucarate, Indole-3-Carbinol, Green Tea Extract, HMRlignan™, and Trans-Resveratrol. Estro Benefits is a state of the art formula that supports hormone balance and cellular health in both men and women.*

Product Sheet


2 capsules daily 

Supporting healthy cortisol levels has emerged as an essential strategy for supporting adrenal function. The formulation strategy associated with Cortisol Benefits™ involves first identifying the most effective compounds to provide the necessary degree of support for cortisol balance, and then defining and including the most clinically relevant levels of those compounds. With the adaptogenic powers of Sensoril® Ashwaganda and ETAS™, a standardized extract of Asparagus officinalis, this supplement is designed to support overall health, stress management, and HPA Axis/adrenal hormone balance.*

Product Sheet


2 capsules daily 

Clinically researched ingredients to support healthy testosterone levels.* Clinically proven and high quality Purified Shilajit from the Himalayas, PrimaVie. Standardized Maca (Macamides, Macaenes, Glucosinolates) and Deer Antler Velvet. Fenugreek for metabolic and insulin sensitivity support.

Product Sheet


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