The male and female reproductive systems share many physiological similarities, and both male and female patients require the full range of reproductive hormones for proper function. A holistic approach to reproductive health is to first and foremost support the optimum health of the patient. Because of its close ties to the endocrine and neuroendocrine systems, ensuring reproductive health requires addressing any underlying imbalances in these networks. 

The botanical medicine toolbox is rich with agents that have the capacity to enhance estrogenic and/or androgenic activity in the body safely and effectively while also improving the body’s natural production and utilization of hormones that are essential to fertility. These include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, prolactin, thyroid hormones, etc. Our goal is to achieve optimum hormone levels by supporting the glands and structures that manufacture and utilize them, thereby enhancing fertility and the chance of conception.

Nutrition for reproductive health


Daily dose: 1 capsule, once per day
Active dose: 2 capsules, once per day

Zinc is an essential nutrient for reproductive health in both men and women.

Vitamin DAK

Daily dose: 1 capsule, every other day
For pronounced deficiency: 1-2 capsules daily

We recommend testing vitamin D levels in all patients to help determine the appropriate dose. Our target range is between 50 and 70ng/mL.

Complete Omega Essentials

Daily dose: 3 capsules, twice per day
Active dose: 5 capsules, twice per day

Complete Omega Essentials combines a wide spectrum of fatty acids and follows ratios found in nature. It also includes carotenoids and moisturizing effects from sea buckthorn oil. 

Combination botanical and nutritional formulas for reproductive health


Daily dose: 2 capsules, twice per day
Active dose: 4 capsules, twice per day

Meno-Breeze is most commonly used for supporting women’s reproductive health as it enhances the production, utilization, and hormone efficiency of the female reproductive hormones. 

Night Gain

Daily dose: 2 capsules, twice per day
Active dose: 4 capsules, twice per day

Nigh Gain is helpful in both men and women, providing support to DHEA levels and enhancing hormone metabolism. 


Daily dose: 2 capsules, twice per day
Active dose: 4 capsules, twice per day

Botanabol provides deep, anabolic support and enhances androgen production and utilization. 

Serenoa Supreme

Daily dose: 1 capsule, twice per day
Active dose: 3 capsules, twice per day

Serenoa Supreme supports the reproductive system and regulates key enzyme pathways important for proper reproductive system function. Although this product is most commonly used in men, it is a reproductive system tonic for weakness in the reproductive system in both male and female patients. 


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